
Your presence in UC7 lets users know your availability, which is indicated by a circle icon in your profile picture.

You can choose for UC7 to automatically display your presence by selecting Set Automatically. When this option is selected, your status will change dynamically based on your state:

  • Available: When you’re logged into the client and active within the last 20 minutes
  • Busy: On a call or in a meeting (for Windows users, in addition to the above, your status will also display busy if you have accepted a meeting that shows on your calendar)
  • Away: idle for more than 20 minutes
  • Offline: logged out of all your devices

If you’d like to know more about a users busy status, roll over their profile picture to learn whether they are on a call, in a meeting, or using their mobile device.

To manually set your presence status, click your profile picture and select Status and choose from the options listed. Manual changes will be kept indefinitely. Also, when you select Offline, you will not appear available to others or be able to view anyone else’s presence status.

Don’t forget that your presence is synced across all your devices (desk phone, desktop app, and mobile app) so if you’re busy on your desktop app, your presence will be the same across all devices.

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