
In your messages, you can use a filter to find the messages that matter most to you, such as unread spaces, direct messages, or messages where someone has @mentioned you.

Click All Messages to see the available filters. Then, choose the filter to show the messages you want to see.

Here's a list of the available filters, descriptions, and tips on how to use them:

All Messages

View a complete list of all message activity: direct message, spaces, and external.


See what's new without scrolling through messages you've already read. You'll see a count of all spaces that have unread messages.

Direct Messages

Find all your direct messages between just you and one other person. You'll see a count of all of these spaces with unread messages.


This view shows a listing of spaces only. The count represents unread messages in a space.


View a list of all direct messages and spaces that are set as Favorites.


See who needs your attention first. This count includes spaces that contain @mentions sent to you directly.


Get back to content you flagged to follow up on. You'll see a count of all messages that you've flagged.


See a list of all direct messages with external Contacts.

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